...We're looking for your business!

Organization and Staff

The Miles City Area Economic Development Council (MCAEDC) was formed in 1992 by a group of community leaders for the purpose of providing support and direction for existing business and new business development, support for continued improvement to community infrastructure and in general assist in creating a positive business climate for economic development as well as an appealing place to live, work, play and prosper. The group formed a 501(C)(3) non-profit organization in 1996 and today is a very active organization with an active 21 member Board of Directors made up of a broad spectrum of community leaders. We also work closely with Southeastern Montana Development Corporation, who provides 40% of our funding, to provide business planning and funding assistance for businesses that will lead to job growth and job retention in the Miles City and Custer County area.

The MCAEDC Staff

Mike Coryell – Executive Director of MCAEDC / Loan Officer for SEMDC.
Andrea Carlson – Administrative Supervisor

MCAEDC Board of Directors


Krista Stubblefield  Loan Officer
First Interstate Bank

Jackie Muri
Holy Rosary Healthcare
Miles City

Dr. Stacy Klippenstein
Miles Community College

Dr. Lew Vadheim, MD
Retired Physician

Kathy McLane Rural Econ Dev Rep
Mid-Rivers Communication

Jim Atchison Executive Director SEMDC

John Gorton
Custer County School Dist.

Tyler Chapmon
State Farm Insur.
Milestown Community Improvements

Pat Cline
Market President
US Bankcard

Amy Rolandson
Funding Officer
Stockman Bank

Paul Hopfauf
Region Mgr.
Montana Dakota Utilities

Mark Helland
Ranch and Feed Business

John Hollowell
Miles City Council

Keith Holmlund
County Commissioner
Custer County

John Laney
Executive Director
Miles City Chamber of Comm.

Paul Lewis
Holy Rosary Healthcare

Kevin Bird
Dist. Mgr.
Sanjel USA

Ron Nemec
Montana Job Service

Mark Petersen
Research Leader
Fort Keogh Livestock & Range Research Center

Jack Regan
At Large Member

       Tara Andrews            MSU Extension  Custer County

Mike Coryell (Ex. Officio)
Executive Director

           Ken Holmlund            HD38 Representative Montana State Legislature

Jennifer Simonsen
Brawler Industries

Board Officers 2016

Leadership Advisory Board

President: Jacki Muri
Vice Pres: Paul Lewis
Treasurer: Krista Stubblefield
Secretary: Paul Hopfauf
Past President: Tyler Chapmon
At Large: Jack Regan

Chairman: Jack Regan
Jolene Dutton • Chair Alumni Comm.
Krista Stubblefield

Southeastern MT Development Corp.
Partner with MCAEDC

In 2000 MCAEDC and Southeastern Montana Development Corp. (SEMDC) formed a unique and very successful partnership where SEMDC provides 40% of the funding for MCAEDC in return for the Exec. Director of MCADC providing Loan Officer functions for SEMDC’s Revolving Loan Fund.SEMDC is a group of concerned counties and communities in Southeastern Montana who came together to provide local financial support for economic development. The group formed SEMDC and has been providing services since July 1997. This joint participation of counties and communities allows for synergy and prevents duplication of efforts, while providing a vehicle agency located locally to receive funding and administer services for economic development.Current supporting members of the Southeastern Montana Development Corporation, contributing $1 per capita annually are Custer, Powder River, Rosebud, and Treasure Counties; the cities of Colstrip, Forsyth, and the towns of Broadus and Hysham.

The SEMDC Staff

Jim Atchison – Executive Director
John Sisson – Small Business Development Center Director
Julie Emmons – Grant Administrator
Mike Coryell  – Loan Officer
Pam Hill – Secretary/Receptionist