The TIF District will be launching the MC Downtown Façade Grant April 1st. We were looking for an affordable way we could thank – and help downtown business owners that have been so supportive throughout the process of establishing our new TIF District. The storefronts on Main and the downtown side streets and along 7th Street are a visitor’s first impression – and we have some wonderful facades in Miles City. They create a visually attractive and vibrant downtown ambiance that welcomes visitors and shoppers alike to downtown Miles City. This is a great opportunity for business owners who want to spiff things up a little before BHS and the summer season gets underway!
The Grant is made possible with funding from the Montana Main Street Program and the City; and allocates $12,000 for qualified projects while funds are available. Applications will be reviewed in the order received and awards based on readiness for the proposed project to proceed.
The goal of the FIG program is to make revitalization efforts affordable by providing matching grant funds of up to $2000. The TIFD Board reserves the right to consider grants in larger amounts based on the merits of the proposed project. A 1:1 match is required, i.e., applicants must match the amount of the grant with an equal or greater investment.
Eligible Applicants: TIF District Business owners that own or lease their business location.
Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:
- Store signage (rehabilitating existing signage, including historic signage, ghost signage and historic neon signage) Removal of inappropriate or out-of- date signage
- Awnings – repair or installation of awnings of materials and design in keeping with the character of the District.
- Rehabilitation or compatible reconstruction of storefronts
- Removing non-historic elements from building facades, i.e. metal and vinyl siding and exterior slip covers (surfaces) such as wooden shingles.
- Exterior cleaning, painting and/or paint removal
- Masonry repair and repainting, removal of paint over original brick, restoration of original brick
- Repair and replacement of architectural details or materials
- Window repair or in certain cases replacement
- Restoration or replacement of deteriorated or hazardous sidewalks
- Improvements to back or side street customer entrances of buildings in certain circumstances. are
Application Procedures:
A copy of the Façade Improvement Grant Guidelines and an application form are attached here for your convenience. A small application fee of $20 is required for all applicants to cover adminstrative costs. The app fee can be paid online here, with a credit card, or
You may down load an application form and review the Façade Improvement Grant Policy and Procedure Manual at the City’s web-site:
You may also request an application and guidelines be sent to you by mail or email.
For More Information, contact: Connie Muggli, Program Administrator at (406) 874-8616 or