2011-2015 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
The 2011-2015 update of our CEDS is the result of a thoughtful and often challenging planning and implementation process designed to improve the economy and quality of life in Southeastern Montana. This ongoing process involves gathering input from a culturally and economically diverse group that includes individuals and organizations from the SEMDC Economic Development District (EDD). We continually analyze local conditions, identify the strengths, weaknesses, problems, opportunities, and design strategies to achieve objectives, coordinate activities to implement the strategies, and evaluate accomplishments.
By creating unique partnerships and improving relationships, challenges facing the economic future of Southeastern Montana will be addressed in a more comprehensive and inclusive manner. During the seven “Town Meetings” held throughout the District, over 100 residents expressed a desire to initiate projects that will provoke sustainable, multi-faceted economic development. Most often mentioned was the desire to develop basic infrastructure, increase web presence and visibility to attract tourists and enhance communication, develop housing to meet local needs, encourage responsible energy development while maximizing opportunities to support the industry, and to foster diverse and homegrown businesses.